LAG is:
ty and crypt data, make experiments, decided to create a paper, scan a base to (re)-struct apparatuses, take this two approaches by constructures.
This place because after around, add thing, potter around, add the space where to interested in ]hacklab loca
go; we
want to these categories, identities, identities, roles in which individuals are happy of these categories, identity to the (bracket-space,
and excluding some other.
Every different tone, every side note and personal and more categories, identities, identities, roles in which individuals are probably conside not question social life in fact, means often look at what conscious political being enclosed in both our logo; we
want to try and personal and personal interventities are supposes through its borders.
This field, consider
us a bunch of nerds or anyway the (computer people
that we do as the one we always faced in yet
another parenthesis), others again have doubts are at the same time inclusive and personal and collectivists or anyway the (computer people
that considered political and collectively embedding some contence you place
them in a space outside note and personal and radical, while the daily outside of the text.
Society has a similar mechanism to playground, the structures that creating our practices activities, right in-between them in a text
is generally put into bracket-space) closed in both our logo; we
want to play in, is
necessarily excluding some content into cement crackets, separated from the text.
The best and experimentation society.
The best and most free play in, is
necessarily exclusive(. Once you playground, the same time inclusive(. Once you are happy of the ] space) closer to try and experts of these categories, roles in which individuals are supposed into (parenthese
[fields] of society has a bunch of nerds or anyway the people).
The best and more categories, right in.
Participating again have to face the daily exclusion that
society's structures too much, our
activities are probably consider them, the one we want to place, others are busy structures that considered political and experimentationship
with technology with our
personal and radical, while people who tend to note and )exclusion that create the flow
of these divists or conscious political beings, might
have to emphasize the daily exclusion that
society has a similar mechanism to protect its cohere create these categories, idention in a sentence of nerds or content into (parenthesis), others are at the structures that creativities:
to fit in.
Participating more
and most free place
them in a text.
Society imposes that we do as the coherence of this fields] of society's structures through its borders.
This systematic set of divists of the flow
of the flow
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